
With Capital Vault Incorporated, our vision with the CVIx Enterprise Logistics views strategic portfolios, abilities, capacity, options and opportunities to be directed to add a great deal of value for participating members in an environment of prosperity, abundance, wide open possibilities, heart pounding excitement and adventure.

In this endeavour our intention and focus is to envision, help organize, generate, manage and protect assets, resources, invest, develop, deploy and optimize operational capabilities and infrastructure, options, opportunities and people in successful combinations where everyone wins, achieves, succeeds and prospers. This offers more make it happen capabilities, the leadership of service with a greater vision to develop your potential. Someone has a plan for you!

The following are some specialized tools available in a special mission tasking toolbox that goes way beyond conventional operating systems.

CVIx Strategic Programs - (individual programs also available)
CVI-PVCG - CVI Private Venture Capital Group
SOG-PIMA - Private Investment Management Account

Order_CVIx_Continuum - includes CVIx Enterprise Logistics